To my dear Musers
I’m getting this out in the wee hours before I head off for my August Retreat. The mandarin almond cake is cooling, and the car is pack with tables, books, food and goodies for the retreaters.
This last week I learned an important lesson in backing things up, and in doing so had an accidental decluttering win.
My phone died and with it so did all of my WhatsApp messages, my near-200 open tabs in my browser and logins to my apps. After the stages of denial, anger, bargaining and depression, (thank you, Stages of Grief), I accepted it.
I didn’t just accept it though, I embraced it, mostly.
It became a great moment to reassess which apps I really needed, which was a whole bunch less than I thought. I’m sure I’m not the only one who haphazardly add apps to their phone.
The same with those open tabs that I’d used as a way to avoid finishing things. My past habit was to open the site and keep it open so I could come back to it when I had time (dear reader, that time never came). Now, I open it and deal with it straight away. I feel so free from all those tabs.
While I was at it, I took to my email inbox and drove down that number of unread emails from over 500 to under ten. Now, I check the inbox at regular intervals and deal with them immediately. A huge burden has lifted. Next will be the open tabs on my laptop.
The WhatsApp chats felt different though. I definitely felt grief at losing those messages from friends. All those photos that we’d shared, the conversations we’d had. I chatted about this with the younger folk who come for our Monday Dunley Dinner and they all said they loved losing their WhatsApp messages. What’s your take on this? Is it a relief to have your WhatsApp cleared out or a grief?
Other things
My reading has slowed over the last month as I’m knee deep in study and work. I’ve only got two books on the go: one audio and one paperback. Less than usual but enough for now.
The Talented Mrs Greenway by Tea Cooper (audiobook)
To Sing of War by Catherine McKinnon (paperback)
Next up will be Mira Robertson’s Grace & Marigold
What’s on your bedside table? What are you reading and loving?
Ripley on Netflix. Loved the black and white cinematography and the tension throughout the series had me holding my cup of tea tightly. No knitting could be done.
Just started watching Anatomy of a Scandal and the knitting is back out, so that’s a good thing!
Five things
M sent me this article about slang the other day. We both love a bit of Aussie slang and the origins of it. Who doesn’t love a snot block?
Krista Tippet from On Being has just dropped her Wisdom Season. I recommend this highly.
Back up your WhatsApp. It’s not in some mysterious cloud like the rest of our social media is — unless of course you’re in the clear it all out camp
Mira Robertson, an award-winning screenwriter (Head On) who attended my recent writing retreat, launched her second book this week. It was a full room listening to her and Kelly Gardiner talk about Mira’s book Grace & Marigold. Mira’s first book The Unexpected Education of Emily Dean is also a fabulous book. It was also great to catch up with so many wonderful writers
The spring-like weather has meant I’m out in the garden planting a new tree (Lagerstroemia 'Tuscarora' - crepe myrtle), flower seeds and native grasses. It’s such a great reset for my brain to stick my fingers in the dirt. My peach is blossoming, the apples, cherry and pear trees are budding, the persimmon has leaves out and may the wildflower seeds grow.
In case you missed it
Writing Momentum is up and running and gaining momentum on Wednesday mornings at 7am AEST. It’s recorded it that time doesn’t suit. What is it? It’s writing accountability, prompts and community. It was great to get this message from Karen Hollenbach last night about how it is helping her.
I’m running a free event called Four Steps to Creative Freedom at lunchtime 12-1 pm AEST on Wednesday 28 August. In it, I’ll give you some steps you can take to gain a balance in your creative life. Join here
Have you read my article about my career path to becoming a coach?
Thank you dear Musers for reading and stay warm. Spring is nearly here!
Til next time
x M
Ohhh let thr social media go!
My account was hacked and I have shut down all insta and FB pages. It's the best thing. If people want to talk the call, txt or email me. Old school yes! But also more personal as people make an effort to talk to me not just "publish" what they have been doing. Agree loosing photos and chats is not good, however it's time to turn a new leaf and make some new ones! 😃
Meg, that is a delightful piece and a timely reminder to keep on top of things. I tried to change from a paper diary (am I the only one with one of these still!?) to a digital one. Two weeks later, I've decided to go back to paper. There is so much satisfaction to crossing things out and seeing commitments written in my handwriting. It is easier with my phone calendar to overcommit, to add things I won't attend and for important commitments to disappear. I have both for now, but suspect I need to go back to the phone and delete the new diary and a dozen other apps I never use!