Don't sweat the small stuff
I’m going to give out some advice to emerging writers about stressing about the words you want to write so much that you don’t write at all. I was reminded of this yesterday when I was chatting to a writer friend who was stuck.
I suggested that she write words that don’t matter, instead of her manuscript, to get the words flowing again. Maybe write a newsletter, I suggested, and our other friend giggled and said, like everyone else is.
Yep, there are heaps of us in this space now. But that’s fine. In a way, it takes the pressure off.
BUT…I need to also remember this advice for myself.
Recently, someone paid to read my newsletters. It had the opposite effect on me to what I think they, and I, thought it would. I suddenly couldn’t write.
I thought about it.
I made notes in my diary to do it.
But I didn’t do it.
Until I did. And then it was a long newsletter full of too many words.
So, I’m not sure if you needed to read this, but don’t sweat it. It’s not worth it. Just write like no one is going to read it and that they haven’t chosen to pay for it.
Other thoughts of my week while I trim my brimming email box:
Jean Hales for Women’s Health - If you’re a woman, get onto this newsletter. It may save your life, or at least help you to understand your body and mind better. It’s full of well researched articles and covers all stages of women’s life. It even explains perimenopause, which I only discovered was a thing too late into it.
Unsubscribe from everything that is not giving you joy anymore
Make a spreadsheet of all upcoming competition/submission dates to get them out of your emails
Subscribe to newsletters that give you joy
Support local and indie journals (if you can afford it)
Till next time
x M