Things worth sharing
From somatic poetry, to books worth reading, podcasts worth listening to and using creativity to heal.
This week, I have been plagued by migraines. While this is not really a new thing for me in any way, they are starting to take a toll on me in terms of my tiredness. Despite this, there are still things I have read, listened to, watched or done that I think are worth sharing.
Somatic Poetry
I am a big fan of online events, especially when my body and brain are at odds with the world and need me to rest more.
Last week I attended a Writers Victoria Evening Appertiser called Writing the Body with Miriam Tag. Miriam is the current Virtual Writer in Residence who is a poet, somatic mystic and postdoctoral scholar in philosophy. During the hour, we engaged in somatic practices to tune into the body and finished with writing ‘Elfchen’, or ‘Little Eleven’ poetry with a pattern of 1-2-3-4-1 words per line.
One of my poems from the workshop:
tense, taut
bear the weight
carry loved one’s load
Books I’ve enjoyed
I’ve recently finished reading Mark Smith’s latest book If Not Us. It’s set in a coastal town that is torn between those who need the coal mine to exist for their livelihoods and those who oppose the mine. It’s a great young adult book with the protagonist being an ordinary boy who cares deeply about the environment and doesn’t think he can make change (spoiler, Reader, he can).
I finished listening to Small Bodies of Water, a beautiful book of memoir essays by Nina Mingya Powles. She narrates the book which incorporates her stories with the natural world around her. Stunning.
I’m currently reading Madeleine Dore’s brilliant book I Didn’t Do The Thing Today: On Letting Go of Productivity Guilt. It’s a timely read for me as I grapple with my higgledy-piggledy creative routine at this time. It’s got me thinking a heap about what I am or am not doing.
Recently, my sister recommended two podcasts to me. One is Off the Clock Psych: Episode 242: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management with Oliver Burkeman. Oliver talks about accepting the limitations of our time on earth (about 4000 weeks). It got me thinking about how I want to spend my time from here on and checking in with myself: Is this leading to what I want to be doing? Is this how I want to spend my time?
The other podcast was Values, Vulnerability and Forgiveness with ACT Founder Dr Kelly Wilson which was about the acceptance of uncertainty and attending to the needs of the day.
My son’s girlfriend released her debut song on all the song streaming places. The song and her voice are beautiful. Check out Cosima Gilbert’s debut Isn’t It Funny wherever you listen to music.
Creativity for healing
I’m a huge fan of creativity for healing. Since quitting my job six weeks ago, I have been redesigning my garden (even when the wind is blowing a gale), knitting a shawl and writing new words for my new manuscript.
Last week, I hung out with one of my nieces who is going through a pretty hard time. I loved how her voice lifted, her eyes shone when she showed me her painting work-in-progress. By leaning into the day to spend time with her, she reminded me how important these creative times, the play times, are for our healing.
Writing tips
This week I put something out on socials about how today is a great day to start. I know too many people who put off starting their writing project. Today is a great day to start. You only need 25 mins to stay focused. Turn off your phone, remove your distractions and start.
For those who are deep in their writing but have fallen out of love with it, check out Kat Lewis’s tips about staying in love with your writing on Craft with Kat. She shares a process-focused short exercise to do at the end of every writing session:
Three things that are working well in the draft
Two concerns I have about the draft
One question I will answer in my next writing session